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How to use Curve discount code?
Check Out These Amazing Categories and Redeem Your Curve Discount Code
Curve Blue Card

Even though this is the least expensive Curve card, it’s far from basic. Oh, would you like me to prove it to you? Okay, how about this, then: you can earn cashback from 3 places at once for 90 days in the form of points which can then be exchanged into actual cash. And that’s just the start of the benefits. You can withdraw up to £200 from ATMs abroad with no extra fees. Your purchases are insured for up to £100,000, so if your item goes missing and the retailer refuses to refund it, Curve has got you covered. Oh, and the best part of this whole card? It’s free. Yes, you’ve read that correctly. It. Is. Free. All these goodies and you don’t have to pay any monthly fees at all. Honestly, if you’re not convinced by now, you probably never will. Should you decide to join Curve, just make sure you take advantage of savings that Curve coupons offer.
Curve Black

The level-up compared to the previous card has a few tricks up its sleeve. First of all, you can withdraw more money abroad without paying any fees. How much more? How about double, is that enough? We hope it is because that’s exactly what you get when you decide to go for the black card. The Back in Time feature is part of the offer, so you can change the card even once you’ve already made the payment. On top of all of that, the Black Card includes gadget and travel insurance. You can be certain that you won’t be stranded with payments when something goes wrong. The Curve codes work with all the cards, including this one. The Black card is not free, but the benefits make it a profitable proposition regardless.
Curve Metal

This is it. The top of the line, the crème de la crème, the ultimate Curve card. As the name suggests, it’s made of metal to give it a premium feel. Obviously, that’s not all that the Metal card offers. What else is there? For starters, the Curve Cash is expanded from 3 stores to 6. That’s right, you can get 1% of your purchases back in 6 stores at the same time. It’s unlimited in terms of time, too. Your Cash points just keep on growing and growing until you decide to use them. The £400 free withdrawal limit of the Black card is now £600 a month. The gadget insurance is £800 and the medical insurance is up to 15 million quid. Yes, Curve does not mess about when it comes to your health and safety when you travel. Speaking of going places, the Curve Metal holders get a discount on LoungeKey pass. Why would you wait with everyone else when you can relax in a VIP lounge in airports all over the world? Unlike the previous cards, you can choose between three different card colours: red, rose gold and blue steel. It’s the card to get if you are really serious about your finances. Of course, that can also be said about Curve discount codes.
Curve Reviews

Curve Metal
Having both of my cards plugged into one app is super convenient. I tend to travel quite often, so the fact that I get favourable exchange rates is super convenient. I started using the Curve App about 8 months ago with the Blue card. It was free and I wanted to see whether it makes a difference. Well, in my case at least, it does. I used the Back in Time option once and it was easy as pie. At first, I was nervous because the whole concept seemed rather impossible to me, but it worked without any issues whatsoever. When I had the blue card I didn’t really bother with any Curve coupons, but when I upgraded, I decided to use a Curve code. Granted, it didn’t blow my mind or anything, but it kept a couple quid in my pocket. That counts for something.
More Information About Curve
Company History
The first pieces of news regarding Curve were heard in 2015. That’s when the company was founded by Shachar Bialick. Interestingly, Bialick is a former member of Israeli special forces and a founder of a few companies. His drive towards new technology was what prompted him to launch Curve. The market had never seen anything similar before, and the idea was very well-received as a start-up. In 2015, the company managed to secure 2 million dollars in seed funding, giving it plenty of resources to grow at its own pace and implement innovative ideas. It was launched as a beta in 2016 and for the next two years, Curve was being tinkered with to ensure smoothness and safety. In 2018, when testing was over and the time came to start for real, nearly 50 thousand future users were waiting to see if it’s more than a start-up. The fact that the company was valued at quarter of a billion dollars just last year means that the market had responded positively towards Bialick’s idea and the execution of his vision.
Curve Back in Time
While it’s unlikely that we will ever be able to go back in time, this Curve offer is the next best thing, at least in terms of payment. Here’s how it works: say you’ve made a purchase using one of your credit cards. Everything was going smoothly until you realised that you’d used the wrong card! Normally, you would have cancelled your order or just lived with the purchase on the card you didn’t want to use in the first place. Now, you can just switch cards after you’ve made the payment! Yes, Curve Back in Time allows you to change cards used for payment up to 14 days after the payment was made. No one else has a feature like this. The best part is that it’s available in all Curve tiers.
Curve Cash
Now, this one is quite the neat trick. Most people know that credit cards are used to spend money, but what if you could get some your money back? That’s right, Curve Cash is a special loyalty program that allows you to get 1% of your purchase back. Depending on the type of Curve card you own, you can get cashback from up to 6 different retailers. One per cent might not seem like a lot, but it all adds up over time, giving you money for doing shopping. When you amass enough Curve Cash points, you can use them to make purchases, making the products virtually free of charge since you’re not spending any money, you’re spending points. If that’s not amazing, we don’t know what is.
Curve Black Friday
Black Friday has been associated with shopping for decades now. Everyone is trying to score a deal of the year and a lot of people actually succeed in doing so. Curve wants to join in on the fun and give you a financial boost, hence the yearly giveaway. Last year, the giveaway pool was 15 thousand pounds and the lucky winners got Curve Cash ranging from £20 all the way £1000! All you have to do is do shopping on Black Friday and pay for it using a Curve app and some of that money can be yours! The contest was more than successful, so it would be weird for Curve not to organise a similar event again. Pro tip: be on the lookout for Curve discounts and other special promotions. All the latest Curve sales and codes are right here and they are updated as soon as a new promotion appears.
Curve Cyber Monday
Right now, there are no Curve sale offers for Cyber Monday, but there is one special deal for Christmas that might interest you. Last year, Curve card holders took part in a special competition. They simply made their shopping the way they always do, but some of them received a prize. What was it, you ask? They got their money back on their Christmas shopping and they got a bonus of the same amount. The prize pool was £100,000. Seeing as the brand is growing in an amazing pace, it’s only natural that the prizes in the following years will be bigger and bigger. Who knows, maybe next year there will be some special Curve promotions on Cyber Monday.
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